Premium Product Sourcing & Fulfillment Services

Sources anything with the highest product quality assurance. Kindly pack and ship your products within 6 - 12 days

Request quotes for your products

Why choose CrossPanda

Guaranteed fast shipping. Your customers will receive their orders after only 6 - 12 days. For the US, our average shipping time is around 6 - 8 days.

Speedy delivery

CrossPanda works with top local manufacturers to test & source only what meets your quality standard. Our product quality assurance is backed by our Return & Warranty policies.

Product quality assurance

All your orders will be packed in nice & non-Chinese-message packaging. Plus, you can pick up your brand trust with custom & private label packaging.

Premium packaging

The tracking numbers are updated immediately. For buyers from US, you'll be provided another tracking number for each order that shows only the US delivery tracking source.

US tracking address

Premium service doesn't mean to be pricey. We'll try our best to minimize the prices offered to you meanwhile keeping up our high standard.

Reasonable prices

How to get started

Request quotes for your winning products

Receive your quotes after 1-3 working days

Make a deal and pre-purchase your stock

CrossPanda tests and sources your products

CrossPanda stocks and manages your inventories

CrossPanda ships orders and restocks for you

Sneak a look at the product quality checking process

To make customers satisfied then want to buy from you again, your product quality is a key factor. That's why CrossPanda carefully tests every product sample, then only stock what is best for you.

Request quotes for your products

Everything is automated

No more slow and old-fashioned emailing process. Automate 95% of your workflow with CrossPanda powerful app.

Have hundreds of orders auto-sent to CrossPanda to fulfill in one click.

Auto-fulfill massive orders in 1 click

Track and be up-to-date with your inventory, your order statuses in real-time without leaving the app dashboard.

Daily-updated order details

Seamless payment experience

Easily make your purchase with CrossPanda right in the app dashboard via your PayPal account, credit card or bank transfer method.

Integrate CrossPanda app with the most popular eCommerce platforms: ShopBase, Shopify, etc.

Various integrations

Not sure where to start?

Our customer support team is always ready to help you along the journey of working with CrossPanda, and provide whatever you need in 24/7

Get started for free

206 Shangxie Industrial Park, Jihua Road, LongGang Dist, ShenZhen, China

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